Sofi King

Music, Poetry and Books

Hi, I'm Sofi King, and I am thrilled to share my projects with you!
I'm getting ready to record my debut record, which will be titled "4U". It is a full length album featuring 14 songs. This album is a representation of my life up until this point. I drew my inspiration for this album from my life experience of doing a big move from one country and culture to another to my parent's divorce. I genuinely hope these songs will connect 4U with you.
You might be wondering why my music and poems are so important to me. At the age of 5, my parents moved from Russia to Canada. The experience of learning a new language, a new culture, and trying to make new friends was a life changing for me. Then, 8 years later, I moved again, this time back to Russia. Throughout my life, I have always used my music and poems to capture these feelings. It is like a beautiful time capsule for me to always be able to look back at it.
Great eld oak tree,
Tall and wise.
I look at you,
You wonder my eyes!

Great big hat
Of colorful leaves,
Wide thick stem,
Who knows where it leads!

You seem so high,
That you can reach the sky!
Your branches spread
A hundred meters wide!

Only with you, my oak tree,
I feel connection,
Only you, O oak tree,
Give me protection.

Sofi King, 2019
I felt a deep connection with music from my first school choir. Later, I progressed to The Vancouver Academy of Music and then to The Academic Girls Choir in Krasnodar, Russia. To further my musical interests, I take music lessons on the piano, the guitar, and in songwriting. I feel like songwriting and poetry have become a second language to me.

If my 4U album project connects with you or if you know someone who might enjoy it, please don't hesitate to share my website!
Dad, where have you gone from me again?
And every second,
I am waiting,
I am seeing you,
Hugging you,
And kissing you.

No, I don't care if you sometimes punish me.
No, all that I will wish for,
Is to sit on your warm lap,
Just get a bit,
Just a tiny bit,
Of your precious love.

Oh dad, will you come back to me?
Oh dad,
I'll be a really good girl.
Oh mum,
When he'll come back?
He has been away,
For so long.

Sofi King, 2019
Through my life journey, I started to understand the significance of a family. The encouragement, support, and happiness it gives. You don't appreciate things in life until they are gone. To spend more quality time with my mom, I insisted to be a co-writer with my mom's upcoming book project. The best part of being a co-writer is getting my payment in ice cream :)).
Working on this book, we visited Giorgi Margvelashvili, (4th President of the country Georgia), his wife Maka Chichua, and their two toddler sons, Teimuraz and Toma, in the small countryside town of Dusheti.
Soon they will be forced to leave their lovely cottage, adorable kitten, and dog to move to the city. They hate living in the city, but Giogri and Maka want their children to get a good education. They face a difficult choice that will change their lives: either stay in their cottage with a beautiful view of the mountains or move into the noisy city of Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. This hard decision overwhelms, not only the former president, but many other parents. The problem of depopulation of rural territories exists all over the world. For example, in the past 25 years, a similar problem has been observed in China. In Italy, according to some estimates over the past few years, thousands of villages have lost up to 90% of the population.

I want to raise awareness about getting an education in the countryside, starting with the Giorgi family. With all the technical advancements of the 21st century, I am looking to find others that will help draw attention to this problem. It is also very important that these rural areas have good daycare centers that will help develop the educational aspect in a child's early years. It breaks my heart if I would have to see Toma and Teimuraz leave their comfortable countryside home, in order to get a good education. I urge everyone to show your participation and help all the children, like Toma and Teimuraz!
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